Автор Тема: Советское кино и музыка - дань ностальгии или правда есть что-то стоящее.

Offline Кру_Элл

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  • Миколаїв - місто корабелобандерівців.
Радянсько-японський був, здається, про пінгвінятко якесь. Лоло?
Планы на вечер: мотать новостную ленту с недовольным лицом.

Offline jeckie

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  • Ірпінь, Донецьк
Ну а какой, если мы в теме про советское. Если я скажу, что японский, это будет оффтоп!
А я трижды в гугле проверяла, думаю, что такое-то?  ::)

Offline kot

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Друзья говорили, что это самый ужасный ужас любого родителя.

Offline shaggy_brazer

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Погуглила. Пан Клякса та Марія-Мірабела також не цілком радянські. Як і Міо, мій Міо.

я думала, пан клякса польский практически полностью
там нет ничего совецкого, разве что пару актёров всучили

Операторська група була зі студії Довженка. Це я знаю точно, бо в мене батько там був оператором комбінованих зйомок. Польських жуйок тоді навіз :hot: зі вкладинками, ще й "фанти", якщо не плутаю :grin:

Offline düsha

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американец не впечатлён ёжиком, но впечатлён, как совки его нахваливают в обзорах  :grin:
Цитувати (виділене)
I was truly amazed when I read through all the glowing comments for this short Soviet film from 1975. One referred to it as the best film ever made and all the many reviews from people from the ex-Soviet Union (such as Lithuania and Russia) absolutely were in rapturous tones about the brilliance of this film. My assumption is that these reviewers grew up with it and associate many happy memories with it. However, to an outsider who saw it for the first time in his 40s, I did not have the same perspective and wasn't the least bit in love with the film. Now this isn't to say I disliked it--I just didn't have the same emotional connection. My bet is that if many of these same reviewers saw cartoons I adored as a child, they might feel equally unimpressed. It's all just a matter of perspective.

As for the art, this style cartoon is unusual in the West because it consists mostly of lovely drawings of creatures that were then cut out and animated by moving the pieces of paper about the backgrounds. This is a very, very simple method for animation and probably won't impress kids today--who are used to amazing CGI or smoothly animated cartoons (which this is not). Still, despite this, there is a certain charm in the characters--much like looking at the drawings in E.B. White's book "The Wind in the Willows".

The story itself is, well, very simple. A cute little hedgehog goes to see his friend the bear and gets lost in the fog...and that's about it. I just didn't see the magic.

Overall, I thought the film was only moderately diverting but can understand the love of the film for people who grew up watching it. For the Western audience, however, I doubt if such rapturous approval is forthcoming.
впрочем, относится с пониманием, детские воспоминания и всё такое

Offline FP-93

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  • Беларусь, Мiнск
А мне вот этот мультик нравился, он такой шизоидно-трогательный...
Мне тоже нравился  :smilie1: .
Кстати, только полгода назад практически случайно узнал, что там за мелодия играет в эпизоде гонок. Запомнилась она мне с детства.
Оказывается, это из песни В. Гамалия "Как тебя зовут", исполняла в своё время Нина Бродская. И очень неплохо исполняла на мой вкус.

Offline düsha

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кстати о Миядзаки - ещё один испорченный аниме не полюбил нашего ёжика!!!!1
Цитувати (виділене)
I can understand why people might love this kind of stuff but for me such exercise in pseudo-artistic film-making using very simple linear plots and a rather ugly stile of stop motion animation doesn't really work. The simple fact is that movies such as these have found a very small audience for the reason that the proportion of the population who likes such films is really small in fact.

Someone like me, who has been spoiled by the animated films of Miyazaki and Takahata, stuff like this appears rather pathetic and indeed shows how dark the world of animation was before the rise of anime in the late 1970's and 1980's. Notice that Russian animation never reached a high degree of popularity and that's because it is not good and not because it is "too refined and artistic".

I have nothing against Russian films. Tarkosvky is among the greatest directors of all time according to my personal preferences. But in terms of animation, please, don't try to hurt me anymore with this stuff.
на всякий случай, бедняга, оправдывается, что не русофоб, тарковский велик и фсё такое

Offline FP-93

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  • Беларусь, Мiнск
А "Варежку" как раз в детстве сильно не любил. Сюжет абсолютно не нравился. Вдобавок, в нем не было негативных персонажей.
Мамаша там в начале была такая себе грымза. В книжку уткнулась, дитё почти не замечает. Потом, правда, перевоспиталась  :smilie1:.

Offline düsha

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вспомнила, что видела в амазоне "три тополя на плющихе", интересно, позырили ли его наши американские друзья
в общем, всего одно ревью, под названием "мамашин выходной"
Цитувати (виділене)
Nyura is a VERY simple-minded but lovable, energetic and quite upbeat country pumpkin and a mother of two. After the film introduces us a little to the daily routine of her simple but hard-working life as a housewife in the idyllic country her fairly stern husband sends her to Moscow to sell some ham, buy some stuff and to check on the possibly unfaithful sister-in-law (if she has filed a divorce from her husband she won't be welcome in town anymore, if she were to show up, her brother, he promises, would give her the beating of a lifetime). Nyura is ill-equipped (especially mentally) for the journey and for the big city, with her naivety she could easily get into trouble having people (and especially men) take advantage of her. A taxi driver who shows interest in her could potentially be one such man but Nyura doesn't quite seem to grasp what's going on. How will she handle the situation? Is the taxi driver maybe a decent guy? What will happen? What COULD happen?

I'm not spoiling anything if I say that nothing dramatic happens. It's more about the what ifs. Nyura is played by Tatyana Doronina who is a plump but beautiful woman with a very expressive face. Her character isn't exactly your typical protagonist and the film does a wonderful job of putting the viewer in her mindset, the tone overall is always fairly light. We largely see her living from moment to moment, she rarely initiates things, rather she reacts to her environment without giving it much thought, and in the course of one or two days we share her little joys and worries, her little hopes and dreams (there are two excellent dream sequences that I think give us quite a bit of insight into Nyura within very little time). Like its protagonist the film has no feminist aspirations, certainly no big ones, which would have been out of place here.

I probably haven't quite communicated yet why the film is as delightful as it is. So let me point out one little moment. Nyura sits in the passenger seat of the taxi. She hasn't really exchanged a lot of words with the taxi driver yet beyond the usual formal talk. While driving she spots on a lane next to her a car with a long piece of stocking sticking out of the trunk, waving around behind the driving car. She glances at the taxi driver to check if he has noticed the car. While trying to suppress and hide her smile she contemplates if she should call his attention to the car. Finally she can't help it anymore and asks him what is sticking out of the trunk of that car over there. He looks at it and says it's a stocking after which she points at it while laughingly saying: "It looks so funny." She laughs at it some more rather quietly and still is a bit embarrassed, half-heartedly covering her mouth with one hand. When she looks at him he is completely stern, focusing on the road, probably thinking something like: "What's that broad's deal?" She, still visibly amused, moves her eyes back to the stocking but now suppresses her laughter again.

Offline düsha

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у Тарковского конечно полно обзоров, потом как-н. почитаю на досуге

Offline Ash

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 Самые лучшие  фильмы -сказки были в моем детстве ( если говорить о массовом присутствии)  были чешские. Очень яркие,  не похожие на наши.
Но вот Золушку  отечественную я очень даже любила.

Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline Volf Ram

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  • Russia delenda est.
Но вот Золушку  отечественную я очень даже любила.
Ибо Шварц!

Offline Ash

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 Японские мультфильмы - это вообще совершенно отдельная тема. Такая редкость и экзотика в  моем детстве. Я на них ходила в кинотеатры.  Их исключительно редко  показывали по ТВ.  Они казались просто невероятно прекрасными и потрясающе красочными . Русалочка, Кот в сапогах, Брат-сирота, Вокруг света за 80 дней(  с котом в сапогах вместо  Филиаса Фога ))).
Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline Ash

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Но вот Золушку  отечественную я очень даже любила.
Ибо Шварц!
Не только,  но и :отличная постановка, прекрасные актеры. Это действительно очень хорошее кино.
Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline Suddenly

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З іноземних взагалі майже все можна дивитися, навіть те, що для зовсім малих - Дора, Пеппа, Каю, таке інше.

Гм, ну это ты только самое лучшее перечислила, считай, элиту современной мультипликации. Отстойных мультиков сейчас хоть ложкой кушай.

Offline düsha

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вроде бы американец (или -ка) про иронию судьбы
Цитувати (виділене)
Okay, so I'm in love with Andrey Mjagkov, but all that aside, you've simply gotta love this movie. It's funny, it makes you feel good. Somewhat far-fetched plot (I won't give it away, just go watch it), but the acting is great, the directing is great, the music is great, the singing is great. Unlike most Russian movies it does not leave you with a sense of impending doom and in a state of utter depression. It will leave you with a whole new view of Russian film and Russian life (that's if you're not Russian and don't already have a very unique view). Watch it! Trust me!

Цитувати (виділене)
This movie is another great foreign film that would have escaped my attention except that a Russian friend had recommended it. It is a cult film in 1975 Soviet Russia centered around their big holiday, New Years Day. The acting is unusually good and the story plot is very believable. The movie is listed as a comedy and that gives away that the outcome is a happy one. How they get there is what makes this a great story. If you don't mind subtitles and listing to a foreign language this is a great movie. There is very limited violence which actually adds to the dilemma of the characters. There is no nudity or obscene language. I recommend this to anyone looking for a light comedy.

вот этот тип я не пойму кто - в одном из ревью он признавался, что русский у него второй язык, возможно второе поколение эмигрантов, или вообще третье (если бы второе, ему небось с детства пришлось бы сто раз это смотреть, а не "только сейчас позырил"  :grin:)
Цитувати (виділене)
Apparently this film has been shown every year in Russia for decades, and people there know it by heart. This was my first time seeing it -- without that cultural hyperfamiliarity -- and it was very easy to see why it's so popular -- it's hugely entertaining. It's about three hours long, but hardly felt like an hour.

There's a perfect absurdist farce premise of a man who ends up in an identical prefab apartment with his own at the same address (which also, it has been pointed out, could easily be taken as a comment on the sameness of Soviet architecture of the time). That farce plays out fantastically but then, after the clock has struck 12 on New Year's Eve with our protagonist in the wrong city, we keep following these people and become invested in serious hopelessness of their situations.

In essence, it takes what could be a good basic bedroom farce, arms it with legitimately likable, interesting characters we want to follow, and more or less keeps them in a room overnight. The small cast is a blessing here. It's a winning formula of goofiness crossed with seriousness. The jealous Ippolit, for instance, looks ridiculous showering drunkenly with his clothes on, but when he goes out that way into the freezing night saying that perhaps he wants to catch cold and die the feeling of seriousness dissipates.

Overall, incredibly likable and entertaining. The music is good, and the theme of not boxing life in with rules and accepting happy accidents is welcome. If it's phenomenally popular, I'd say it seems to be rightly so.

большинство обзоров конечно от совецких людей, некоторые там даже находят сатиру
иностранцы конечно никакой сатиры не заметили

Offline Ash

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Кстати. Вспомнила  отечественные  фильмы-сказки , которые я действительно любила в детстве .  "Принцесса на горошине" (он весь под Вивальди, я влюбилась в эту музыку и в этот фильм).
 И "Ослиная шкура" - имхо, очень симпатичный.
Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline düsha

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Самые лучшие  фильмы -сказки были в моем детстве ( если говорить о массовом присутствии)  были чешские. Очень яркие,  не похожие на наши.

я любила практически все не очень совецкие - чешские, немецкие, польские

Offline Ash

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Отстойных мультиков сейчас хоть ложкой кушай.
И не только сейчас.  На протяжении всей истории Диснея хватало проходных  и неинтересных мультфильмов.
Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline Ash

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чешские, немецкие, польские
Потому как экзотика.
 Вот  немецкие , имхо, сильно ан-масс проигрывали чешским ( конечно, я  говорю именно о тех, которые у нас показывали).
Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline düsha

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чешские, немецкие, польские
Потому как экзотика.
 Вот  немецкие , имхо, сильно ан-масс проигрывали чешским ( конечно, я  говорю именно о тех, которые у нас показывали).

в принципе, да, и они обычно ближе к оригиналу, без наворотов
но розочку и беляночку обожаю со всех сил, в основном за детские ощущения о "луче света в тёмном царстве"

Offline Post Scriptum

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  • Киев
Погуглила. Пан Клякса та Марія-Мірабела також не цілком радянські. Як і Міо, мій Міо.
Узнаете мальчега из "Мио"?
Кристиан Бейл

И главгад там такой главгадистый, будущий Саруман  :hot:

Offline düsha

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прикольное ревью на кин-дза-дза
не пойму на 100%, это "наш" или нет, - кажется, что нет, но уж очень хорошо он раскусил дядю Вову, примерно мои мысли, но я не могла точно оформить, когда пыталась шведскому другу об'яснить (он фильм не понял)
Цитувати (виділене)
The "Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" movie...
Author: dont_b_so_BBC from The Far East
14 January 2010

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

... should have been made by the people who made Kin Dza Dza-- which is very much in the style/genre of the Hitch-Hiker's books, radio, and TV series created by Douglas Adams (but not the Hollywood movie), since they all have the guts AND the smarts to lampoon their own culture/ civilization.

The difference being, instead of a quintessential Brit (Arthur Dent of the books, radio and TV series-- not the movie), Kin Dza Dza features a quintessential Russian of the late Soviet Era who is always acting tough and trying to bluff his way through every alien situation-- all the while burning through his only trade-able resource by the sheer absent-minded force of habit. Not to mention that what got our protagonist into trouble in the first place, was his hubris in trying to call the bluff of an alien-- when he really should be getting some macaroni for the missus....

And true to his character, he continues making clever AND bad decision throughout the movie with an imperturbable air of irritation and authority. Oh, and there's a Georgian who gets caught up in the sequence of events, even though everyone keeps advising the Russian to dump him.

Ah, the overt racism that the Soviets had to live with in an alien world-- where everyone looks no different from them-- forcing them to make a living as caricatured entertainment for the aliens.... But this is just the first part of the movie! The Soviets eventually figure out how to outsmart the mind-reading aliens-- who naturally never allow themselves think of the truth-- by thinking up bad moves which the aliens immediately act on, since they are so used to second-guessing people.

Sigh, those good old days of satirical sci-fi, before people started losing the ability to look AND laugh at themselves-- highly recommended to anyone who still knows what satire is.

Offline düsha

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англичанин 9/10 поставил
Цитувати (виділене)
'Kin Dza Dza' is the kind of film that comes along every once in a blue moon. It's a very simple story of two very ordinary and very different strangers, one Russian, the other Georgian. Whilst going about their normal, every day business they inadvertently become stuck in a rather extra-ordinary situation, with no understanding of where they are or how they got there. The film follows them as they attempt to get home, meeting all manner of strange people with very strange concepts of hierarchy, race, society and culture. A very simple premise.

When I first saw this movie I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. I came across it by pure fluke one day in my university's video library when I was looking for an interesting Cold War era Soviet film to watch. It's easy to see why it is viewed as a cult classic by many Russians and Georgians alike.

The cinematography is surprisingly enticing. It's not particularly inspired, but it somehow just drifts along with the characters. The shots of the desert are bold and striking, whereas the shots inside ships or inside the nomads' homes are dark, cluttered and uninviting. There are stark differences between all the set pieces, and the director is thankfully skilled enough to make the transitions between these vastly different sets seamlessly. The music is very simple and almost casual as it drifts in and out of focus very subtly with the sequences on-screen. The acting is also something to behold. It fits very much in line with the ethos this film seems to carry: simplicity. The characters in this film range from the stoic and reserved, to the verbose and hyperbolically animated. All the actors play their roles very well, adding memorable nuances to their characters, and really helping to convey the peculiarity and absurdity of the situation being portrayed.

The underlying motive of this film appears to be to convey a message of equality. 'Kin Dza Dza' is a film which, through humour and through sheer simplicity, is able to make the viewer realise the absurdity of social and racial discrimination. I whole-heartedly recommend watching it. It's comical, it's whimsical, it's witty and it's poignant. Well worth the time, if you're able to acquire it.

Offline düsha

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американец 8/10
Цитувати (виділене)
A quirky movie, currently viewable on Google videos with English subtitles.

Vladimir and Gedovan are thrown together onto a strange planet. They struggle to survive in a low-key, cerebral and absurdist romp on Pluk, a desert planet.

Social structures are lampooned, post-apocalyptic survival methods are skewered, and the heroes try to get home without becoming lost within the expectations of others.

Mesmerizing and possibly low budget, the effects aren't any too dazzling. But the script and the heart of the characters carries the film brilliantly. Thought provoking and at times laugh out loud funny. If you like eclectic and unusual films, Kin Dza Dza is a great addition to any collection!

Offline düsha

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какой-то немец, оказывается, перед кин-дза-дза успел просветиться "нац. охотой" (бе) и брульянтовой рукой, но его это не отпугнуло от русского кино, и он замахнулся на кин-дза-дза, и ему очень понравилось.
Цитувати (виділене)
While it is easy to say what the film is, a satire about socialisation, it is extremely difficult to liken it to other films, which I'd actually loved to do in order to give the world an idea of what to expect. That'd be, in this case, a valuable service, since this is a very valuable, yet demanding film.

I've seen Russian films like the "national hunting"-series or "the diamond arm". They are not bad but neither extraordinary and in order to give you an idea of my view on things I'll liken them to "police academy" in the first and a mixture of "one, two, three" and "chumscrubber" in the second case (the "national hunting"-series starting at least a little better than its counterpart, while "the diamond arm" does of course not reach Wilder's level.)

Having this said, I'd like to say that Kin-Dza-Dza is the funniest and by far intellectually most serious comedy that I have ever seen. It is a thought experiment. What happens, if humanities biggest vice, envy, is lifted of it, while the second and third biggest vices, craving for recognition and to turn a blind eye to one's sense of honour, go unchecked. Without anything to honour everything becomes ku or kyu, the individual becoming a mere receiver of petting. That's the dark note that underlies the film, while its humour stems mostly from the brilliant depiction of the people's cravings for recognition.

I absolutely love this film and I absolutely love the acting in it. This is berserkly funny, yet discerning stuff.

Offline Minime

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И не только сейчас.  На протяжении всей истории Диснея хватало проходных  и неинтересных мультфильмов.

У Диснея был сильный упадок, когда они решили снимать художественные детские фильмы.
Тягомотыны типа "Мери Поппинс".
Кстати, и прибыли они особой не приносили.
Прибыль началась с "Маленькой русалочки" (веселого полнометражного мультфильма).

А всем любителям туманных ежиков рекомендую австралийский вариант "Ехидна в пустыне" "Dot and Kangaroo"  (не знаю, есть ли русский перевод, фильм получил главный приз фестиваля дестких фильмов в ... Тегеране (в 70-ые Иран был относительно приличной страной)).

У фильма есть продолжения - сильно проигрывающие оригиналу.
В Around the World with Dot (1981), например, есть забавный эпизод в Раше в которой (естественно) медведи пашут на лесоповале в поту и соплях, а их начальница в shapka so zvezdoj рассказывает главной героине, что "у нас равноправие, но есть те кто равнее других" (с) и поэтому она нихрена не делает.
"Не забыть бы нам всё, не простить бы и не потерять". В. Высоцкий

Offline Zont

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  • Россия. Москва - Норильск.
все идут по дороге и поют песню, где же смысл?
Сюжет доброй половины советских мультфильмов.

Offline Minime

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  • Австралия: au2ua
Хочу так же написать о комедиях.
Знаменитый Мел Брукс, которого тут упоминали снимал комедии далеко не равнозначные.
Некоторые - полные простеньких и однообразных каламбурчиков ("Всемирная история, часть первая"). Каламбурчки в "Робин Гуд: Мужчины в трико" на порядок лучше.
"Сверкающие сёдла" - может, и ничего были в свое время, но пару лет назад я их, просто, ниасилил.
А, вот фильм его "Продьюсеры" - моя любовь! Или "Get Smart".
Советские комедии Гайдая, сделаны в том же ключе и, ИМХО, не хуже.
То, что они не такие популярные в не русскоязычном мире - совершенно понятно.
В этом мире практически монополисты - американцы. По объективным и субъективным причинам.
Вообще, позорная печать совка мне видна только в фильмах времени правления Сталина - даже в пропагандистских "комедиях" типа "Кубанских казаков", "Волга-волга" или "Веселые ребята" .
Во времена Брежнева - это сильно чувствовалось только во всяких лубковых "Строговых",  "Офицерах" и исчезающих в полдень тенях.

Пост СССР-ные российские фильмы я почти не видел, но то, что видел были сделаны по одним лекалам - "мы, русские - вечно пьяные нищие олигофрены - если живем за МКАД'ом, а если внутри Москвы, то мы - бандитские шестерки у олигархов-евреев.  Ну, и любовь-морковь - между нежной розой из навоза и молодого помощника олигарха.
("День выборов", да и "День радио" приятные исключения)

"Не забыть бы нам всё, не простить бы и не потерять". В. Высоцкий

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  • Київ <-> Вінниця
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И что за напиток такой варили, что помирали за рецепт? :sorry:
Простите... :f1: :pardon:
Russian warship, go fuck yourself!

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