Автор Тема: Россия - родина убийц!

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #600 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 18:52:16 »
Да ладно вам злобствовать. Люди живы и слава Б*гу. Хотя по некоторым слухам медики озабочены...
А над людьми никто и не злобствует. Просто другие корабли начали падать уже давно. И падение корабля с космонавтами было лишь делом времени. С дыркой как-то обошлось. Но всегда везти не может.

Offline leonard

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #601 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 19:35:57 »
 :good: гундяй удавится :
Цитувати (виділене)
Константинополь снял анафему с главы Киевского патриархата Филарета.
Священный синод Константинопольского патриархата принял решение снять анафему (отлучение от церкви) с предстоятеля Украинской православной церкви Киевского патриархата Филарета и главы Украинской автокефальной православной церкви (УАПЦ) Макария, сообщил иерарх Константинопольского патриархата, митрополит Гальский Эммануил.

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #602 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 19:39:05 »
Записки из дурдома: Рогозин сурово наказан!

Цитувати (виділене)
11.10.2018, 19:10
Путин исключил главу «Роскосмоса» из состава антинаркотического комитета
Просто человек

Offline leonard

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #603 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 19:39:14 »
Цитувати (виділене)
Украина получит томос об автокефалии: синод принял важно решение, все подробности.

Offline Eney

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #604 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:09:42 »
Цитувати (виділене)
Олександр Дедюхін
1 хв ·
Архиепископ Кли́мент (Вечеря) УПЦ МП в интевью ТАСС заявил что за снятие анафемы с Филарета необходимо наложить анафему на Патриарха Варфоломея.
Из-за неканоничности РПЦ российские ракеты уже разбиваются о небесную твердь, и даже моей фантазии не хватает чтобы представить как Господь Бог будет смеяться над ними дальше.
Добалакаються, сєктанти.

Offline düsha

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #605 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:24:57 »
Записки из дурдома: Рогозин сурово наказан!

Цитувати (виділене)
11.10.2018, 19:10
Путин исключил главу «Роскосмоса» из состава антинаркотического комитета

"своими действиями показал, что никак не скажет наркотикам "нет!"
интересно, кто у них ещё в этом комитете штаны протирает
небось, мид всем составом

Offline düsha

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #606 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:26:03 »
Интерестно кто виноват? Плохо освятили или американцы дыр насверлили? :kos:
Цитувати (виділене)
После старта с Байконура на ракете «Союз» отключились двигатели. Экипаж готовится к аварийной посадке.
На ракете «Союз», которая должна была доставить на МКС космонавтов, аварийно отключились двигатели второй ступени после старта.

По данным источника «Интерфакса», экипаж жив, с ним установлена связь. Капсула с космонавтами в ближайшее время аварийно приземлится в Казахстане.

В экипаж корабля входят два человека — россиянин Алексей Овчинин и американец Ник Хейг.



Цитувати (виділене)
Евгений Шестаков
7 hrs ·

Видишь, Дима Рогозин, замена проверки качества освящением как минимум ничего не дает. Мужики живы, это главное. Но мудаки целы и на высших постах. Хотя справедливость требует, чтобы роботы Фёдор и Игорёк пришли и откокорили тебя йотафоном.

Offline düsha

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #607 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:34:40 »
уже постят фотки, что космонавты живы здоровы, рыгозин смотрит на американца влюблёнными глазами

Offline Eney

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #608 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:43:59 »
Там на дупі вже й волосся не залишилося...

Offline Poodle

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #609 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:46:14 »
Интересно, как НАСА отреагирует на аварию. Продолжит откладывать пилотируемые пуски или наоборот подстегнет?..
Слава Украине!

Offline düsha

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #610 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:47:31 »
Интерестно кто виноват? Плохо освятили или американцы дыр насверлили?
   Особо одарённые уже за выдающуюся победу выдают - что капсула сработала.

причём звучит так, как будто они приятно удивлены - надо же, сработало!  :grin:
Цитувати (виділене)
​«Ситуация, конечно, неприятная, но, как вы знаете, в истории космонавтики уже были такие случаи. С другой стороны, подтверждена работоспособность аварийной системы спасения, что, собственно, очень важно», — отметил Борисов, передает корреспондент РБК.

Подробнее на РБК:

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #611 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:48:05 »
рыгозин смотрит на американца влюблёнными глазами
А американец явно не отвечает взаимностью.

Offline Volf Ram

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #612 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:52:16 »
А чё рагозин в комбезе? Испачкал штаны величием, пока Союз бороздил просторы?

Offline Old Stager

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #613 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:53:20 »
Цитувати (виділене)
Москва. 11 октября. INTERFAX.RU - Русская православная церковь будет вынуждена разорвать евхаристическое общение с Константинопольским патриархатом после его решения снять анафему с лидера самопровозглашенного "Киевского патриархата" Филарета Денисенко. Об этом заявил пресс-секретарь патриарха Кирилла священник Александр Волков.

"Легализация раскола (...) повлечет за собой следующие очень печальные шаги, которые вынуждена будет сделать Русская православная церковь, связанные с разрывом евхаристического общения и другими решениями, которые будут приняты", - сказал отец Александр в четверг вечером в эфире телеканала "Спас".

По мнению пресс-секретаря патриарха, сегодня Константинополь принял "катастрофические решения для всего мирового православия".

"Константинопольский патриархат перешел красную черту, и не по нашей вине, не по вине Русской православной церкви, которая на протяжении всех последних лет, всех последних месяцев, всего последнего времени пыталась найти пути взаимодействия с патриархом Варфоломеем", - подчеркнул священник.

"Ответ будет самым решительным и жестким, он будет адекватен той ситуации, которая сложилась", - сказал, в свою очередь, секретарь Отдела внешних церковных связей Московского патриархата по межправославным отношениям протоиерей Игорь Якимчук в интервью телеканалу "Россия-24".

О, как заговорили-то! Секта, как есть секта. Черту нарисовали вселенскому патриарху, красную, гляди на них. Раскольники не успокоются, пока сами не получат достойной их анафемы.
Просто человек

Offline leonard

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #614 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 20:57:13 »
Цитувати (виділене)
Константинополь отменил указ 1686 года о подчинении Киевской митрополии Московскому патриархату.
Священный Синод Константинопольской церкви принял решение прекратить действие указа 1686 года о передаче Киевской митрополии Московскому патриархату.

Offline leonard

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #615 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:02:27 »
Цитувати (виділене)
Вселенский патриархат предоставит автокефалию Украинской православной церкви.
Синод Вселенского патриархата в Стамбуле приступает к процедуре предоставления автокефалии.
Вселенский патриархат в Константинополе согласился предоставить независимость (автокефалию) Украинской православной церкви (УПЦ). На заседании Синода под председательством Вселенского патриарха Варфоломея I "было решено подтвердить уже принятое решение о том, что Вселенский патриархат приступает к процедуре предоставления автокефалии Украинской церкви", говорится в официальном заявлении, распространенном в четверг, 11 октября, в Стамбуле.

Offline leonard

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #616 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:08:39 »
Теперь только пост и молитва. Хотя не поможет. Сектанты. :rofl:
Цитувати (виділене)
Россия приостановила пилотируемые полеты в космос.

При запуске ракеты "Союз МС-10" с космодрома Байконур случилась авария. Согласно удаленным твитам Роскосмоса, штатный полет длился как минимум до 287-й секунды.

Offline Old Stager

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #617 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:10:51 »
Секта, как есть секта. Черту нарисовали вселенскому патриарху, красную, гляди на них. Раскольники не успокоются, пока сами не получат достойной их анафемы.

Следуя многоходовым методичкам спецслужб России по действиям в случае провала, играют "на опережение":

Цитувати (виділене)
11.10.2018, 21:01
В УПЦ Московского патриархата допустили анафему патриарху Константинополя
Просто человек

Offline leonard

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #618 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:17:17 »

«Ну чего, как полетали?»
«Слава богу, живы».

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #619 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:18:18 »
Насладимся же.
палимо танки з ночі до ранку

Offline düsha

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #620 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:33:23 »


на реддите статью скопировали
нашли задушенным с помощью собачьего поводка
"русские сми пытались это представить, как садомазо развлечения, который зашли слишком далеко"
ага, сплошные самоубийства

оказывается, на реддите не полностью статью скопировали
щас я смогла открыть, скопирую
Цитувати (виділене)
LONDON—Nikolai Glushkov, a Russian émigré, lived alone in a weather-beaten row house in South London with an aging dog and a cat named Braveheart. It was the waning days of March, and he was readying himself for something big.

The onetime finance director of Russia’s flagship airline, he was preparing for a trial in a London court. He told friends it would prove his innocence of longstanding financial charges by Russian authorities and expose Aeroflot Russian Airlines as a front for Russian security services. The case could also prove embarrassing for President Vladimir Putin, by illuminating a piece of post-Soviet history the Russian government has tried to erase.

After running out of funds to pay his own lawyers, Mr. Glushkov, 68 years old, planned to represent himself, and had amassed tomes on British law and forensic accounting. “This case was his purpose in life,” said Georgy Shuppe, a friend and former business partner. “He was not going to give up.”

On the eve of a preliminary court hearing, Mr. Glushkov stopped answering his phone. When his daughter drove to his house to investigate, she found him inside, strangled to death with a dog leash. Later that night, dozens of antiterror police cordoned off the house and began digging holes in his yard.

In Russia, his death was portrayed by state-controlled media as a homosexual tryst gone wrong. British police are treating it as a murder investigation. In August, they posted video footage of a black van seen near his home the night he was strangled, asking anyone with information to get in contact.

Mr. Glushkov’s death has sent a strong message to Russia’s émigré community. He was part of a trio of once-powerful Russians who, after amassing fortunes during Russian privatizations, helped build the political system that brought Mr. Putin to the presidency. After falling out of favor, the trio fled to England and tried to mount opposition to their former protégé, only to see their efforts disrupted by untimely deaths and costly litigation.

Their leader, Boris Berezovsky, was found hanged in a bathroom of his house in Berkshire, England, in 2013, in a death that was initially called a suicide but now police are investigating anew. Mr. Berezovsky’s longtime security assistant, former Russian security officer Alexander Litvinenko, was killed in 2006 by a fatal dose of the radioactive isotope polonium-210, a murder the U.K. blamed on Russia. Another partner, Badri Patarkatsishvili, died of a heart attack in 2008, in what police have deemed natural causes.

Mr. Glushkov, Mr. Berezovsky’s right-hand man, was the last alive.

His death happened one week after the nerve gas poisonings of a former Russian spy and his daughter in Salisbury, England—an attack the British and American governments have pinned on two alleged Russian agents. The Kremlin denied any involvement in this and other assassination attempts and the men say they were innocent tourists.

The central issue in the Glushkov case was Aeroflot’s claim that the Russian and his partners, after gaining a foothold in Aeroflot management during privatizations, looted $120 million from the company.

In written statements, Aeroflot spokesman Andrey Sogrin said Aeroflot “is not today, nor was it ever, a ‘paymaster for Russia’s security services.’ ”

He called Mr. Glushkov a “fraudster” who was convicted in Russia “of an elaborate scheme to divert huge sums of Aeroflot’s foreign currency into the Swiss bank accounts of companies he controlled.”

Mr. Sogrin said that Aeroflot had nothing to do with his death, adding that “if he had lived” Mr. Glushkov “would have faced a substantial civil judgment in England, as well.”

Mr. Glushkov maintained that Aeroflot’s claim against him was absurd and that the entire case, which wound its way through the Chancery Division of London High Court for years, was a pretext for Russian authorities to harass him.

The pretrial court filings, including a 51-page witness statement viewed by The Wall Street Journal, show he intended to respond by reopening chapters of 20-year-old Russian history that are sensitive for the Kremlin and Russia’s security services.

Over the years, the Kremlin has reshaped the story of Mr. Putin’s rise to power, stressing his role as a disciplined KGB careerist who rescued the country from oligarchic billionaires who looted the national wealth after the Soviet Union collapsed.

Through government-controlled news outlets and film documentaries, Moscow has largely erased suggestions that Mr. Putin was helped to power by anyone more powerful than himself—such as Mr. Berezovsky, Mr. Glushkov’s business partner, who helped promote Mr. Putin and knew him personally.

A former mathematician, Mr. Berezovsky built a fortune in the final years of the Soviet Union through an auto dealership called Logovaz, and used his wealth to amass political power. After the country’s dissolution in 1991, he gained control of Soviet-era industries through tainted privatization auctions and political influence, amassing a financial empire that spanned automobiles, oil, media, and Aeroflot, the national airline. He set up his Moscow headquarters in a Tsarist-era palace known as the Logovaz mansion, where high-level government officials waited to meet him in the anterooms.

In 1996 Mr. Berezovsky teamed up with other oligarchs to bankroll the successful campaign of incumbent President Boris Yeltsin so he could face down a challenge from Russian communists. In 1999, when Mr. Yeltsin anointed Mr. Putin as his successor, Mr. Berezovsky and his allies helped vault him from virtual obscurity to national prominence by providing fawning coverage of his presidential campaign on ORT, the television network Mr. Berezovsky once controlled, and cobbling together a political party, Unity, which served as Mr. Putin’s springboard.

Rivals accused Mr. Berezovsky of funding his political projects by siphoning billions of dollars from companies he gained control of during privatization, a charge Mr. Berezovsky denied. Through most of the 1990s, Mr. Glushkov was known as Mr. Berezovsky’s right-hand man in managing these enterprises, including the country’s largest auto maker, AvtoVAZ, and the national airline, Aeroflot.

Mr. Putin soured on the oligarchs as he built the top-down political system that he dominates today, joining forces with security-service allies to take over key businesses. Maria Litvinenko, widow of the poisoned Mr. Litvinenko, said in an interview her husband believed Mr. Berezovsky’s takeover of Aeroflot ultimately destroyed him and his allies because he made so many enemies in the security establishment.

The airline, Ms. Litvinenko said her husband told her, was a centerpiece of the Russian spy services, which since Soviet days had used its global network of offices and air routes to provide payroll for its agents around the world, as well as shipping clandestine cargoes. “Aeroflot was the center of it all,” she said—an allegation that Mr. Glushkov also intended to air in court.

Mr. Glushkov told his side of the story in a witness statement and other documents related to the court case viewed by the Journal.

In his statement, Mr. Glushkov said a friend introduced him to Mr. Berezovsky in 1989, during the perestroika policies of the former Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev, who allowed Russians to set up their first businesses for profit. Mr. Glushkov, who worked at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade, knew the bureaucratic hurdles of setting up a company. Mr. Berezovsky persuaded him to join Logovaz.

The job quickly landed Mr. Glushkov in corporate battles. In 1991 he was appointed deputy managing director of AvtoVAZ, which since Soviet days pumped out an estimated 300,000 cars a year, most of them based on decades-old designs.

He moved from Moscow to the auto behemoth’s headquarters in the Russian provincial city of Tolyatti, where he said he clashed with members of Russia’s security apparatus embedded at the firm. The company, he said, sold cars cheaply to foreign companies controlled by former Soviet officials, who were allowed to resell them and pocket the profits. Years later, Russian prosecutors alleged that it was Mr. Berezovsky who misappropriated funds at the firm.

Mr. Glushkov cracked down on the practice, he said in his court statement, and began to receive threats that he would be made to “disappear” or that his family could be harmed. He sent his wife and children to live in Switzerland, and two years later, after receiving an “extremely severe” threat from an FSB colonel in Tolyatti, he quit the company and left for Moscow the next day.

Colleagues said Mr. Glushkov arrived looking pallid and fatigued, with years of heavy drinking and stress having taken a toll. They would later learn that he was suffering from a debilitating genetic condition, hemochromatosis, that led to an iron overload in the blood, damaged his internal organs and subjected him to severe arthritic pain.

He continued to work for Mr. Berezovsky, and threw himself into management in 1995 of Aeroflot. Mr. Glushkov was appointed deputy director for finance—and, he said, landed in a fight similar to the one at AvtoVAZ, only on a larger scale.

When he joined the company, it was flying toward obsolescence. Its fleet of Soviet-made aircraft were too noisy and dirty for Western capitals. A year earlier, one of Aeroflot’s pilots had allowed his 16-year-old son to sit at the controls of a Hong Kong-bound plane, which crashed in southern Siberia, killing everyone on board.

Mr. Glushkov launched a review of the company’s finances, and found, as with AvtoVAZ, headquarters had little control over revenues. Money from ticket sales drained into hundreds of bank accounts controlled by about 150 regional offices, Mr. Glushkov said in a witness statement. About 3,500 of the company’s 15,000 employees worked undercover for one of the branches of Russian intelligence services, he said.

Mr. Shuppe, his former colleague, said Mr. Glushkov wanted to mold Aeroflot into a national airline like Germany’s Lufthansa or British Airways, with a centralized payments office located outside Russia to reduce its tax burden. In early 1996, he called a meeting of Aeroflot’s representatives from around the world with an eye to channeling revenue into companies in Switzerland.

Reaction from the security services was swift, he said in his witness statement. In his office, he said, he received calls daily over a special telephone installed for talking with security-service chiefs. One of them, Alexander Korzhakov, a former KGB general and President Yeltsin’s bodyguard said he would “screw my head off” and “put me in jail…if I continued to violate the rights of the FSB,” Mr. Glushkov said in his witness statement.

Mr. Korzhakov, reached by telephone in Russia, denied threatening Mr. Glushkov, but called the former Aeroflot director a thief who stole “tens of millions” from the company on behalf of Mr. Berezovsky.

Mr. Glushkov pushed ahead with the plan to get control over revenues, and wrote letters to the heads of Russia’s two main spy services suggesting they pay salaries at Aeroflot, given how much they use the company. He said the company’s balance sheet improved immediately.

In 1997, Russian prosecutors opened a criminal investigation into financial irregularities at the airline. Mr. Berezovsky fled the country after the election of Mr. Putin as president in 2000 and prosecutors said he, too, was a suspect in the Aeroflot criminal case. Mr. Glushkov remained in Russia but, sensing he might be arrested soon, gave an interview to Russia’s Kommersant newspaper, defending his work.

“What prosecutors are saying is simply nonsense,” he said, noting that investigators said he was suspected of misappropriating nearly $700 million—more than half of the company’s revenues while he worked there.

He was arrested the following month on charges of money laundering and illegal business activity, and was confined in Moscow’s Lefortovo Prison, a facility reserved for high-profile political prisoners and criminals.

In Switzerland, officials froze assets of companies he managed, and eventually sent $52 million back to Russia.

Mr. Glushkov said conditions were dire in prison. His health worsened, and he collapsed at one court appearance. In 2004, a judge sentenced him to time served, and after his release he made his way to London, where he joined his erstwhile partners who had moved there in exile.

They welcomed him back and put him in a mansion in the upscale London suburb of Berkshire with an 11-acre pond and servants. But Mr. Glushkov had difficulty adapting to his new surroundings, his friends said.

Michael Cotlick, a lawyer for Mr. Berezovsky, said Mr. Glushkov hungered for another company to manage. Mr. Berezovsky had none to offer. He was also suspicious of some of Mr. Berezovsky’s entourage and visitors in London. One of them was Andrei Lugovoi, who in 2006 slipped some radioactive polonium into the tea of Mr. Litvinenko in a Mayfair restaurant, London police say.

In an interview with the Journal after the poisoning, Mr. Glushkov said he had never trusted Mr. Lugovoi and had tried to warn others about him. He blamed Mr. Lugovoi for helping get him imprisoned in Russia. Mr. Lugovoi has denied any involvement.

Aeroflot, back under Russian government control, hired the U.K. law firm Pinsent Masons and sued Messrs. Glushkov and Berezovsky in a London court, seeking $120 million. At first, Mr. Berezovsky paid the legal bills but soon he, too, began to run out of money. His longtime partner, Mr. Patarkatsishvili, died suddenly of a heart attack in 2008. Mr. Berezovsky lost a lawsuit against another Russian oligarch, leaving him with hefty legal bills. In 2013, Mr. Berezovsky was found hanged in his bathroom in his home outside London.

Mr. Glushkov’s own fortunes sank along with those of his partners, Mr. Cotlick said, and to save money he moved out of his estate, eventually landing in a rented row house, where he planned his legal strategy against Aeroflot.

He began to appear upbeat, despite a resurgence of the hemochromatosis that left him hospitalized and damaged his legs, said Elizavita Berezovskaya, daughter of his deceased business partner. He felt he was winning in court. Mr. Glushkov and another defendant in the case had amassed financial records they said proved there was no malfeasance at Aeroflot under his watch. The judge overseeing the case, Dame Vivien Rose, refused a motion by Aeroflot lawyers to have the trial delayed.

Among the witnesses Mr. Glushkov looked forward to cross-examining: Mr. Korzhakov, the former KGB general, and other security service personnel who worked at Aeroflot.

His neighbor, Pat Browne, helped look after his house when Mr. Glushkov was hospitalized. The last time she saw him was a few days before his death.

“I heard him yell ‘Pat!’ and I looked up and there he was smiling and waving a cane at me,” she said. “He was so proud that he wasn’t using crutches anymore.”

Police say they found no sign of a break-in at his home the night he died. Ms. Browne said she heard no sound of a struggle.

He was expected in court the next morning, and a transcript of proceedings shows the judge and attorneys were puzzled at his absence. An attorney for Aeroflot told the judge that “I was expecting to see Mr. Glushkov but I do not see him.”

The judge sent a bailiff into the hallway to shout “Aeroflot” and “Mr. Glushkov” to see if anyone responded. There was silence.

In death, Mr. Glushkov enjoyed some measure of vindication. After the airline dropped the case in April without explanation, Judge Rose ordered Aeroflot to pay more than £3 million ($3.9 million) to compensate Mr. Glushkov’s estate and other defendants for their court costs. She said that after eight years of litigation the airline had apparently folded its hand because “Aeroflot and its advisers realized that their case was doomed to fail in its entirety.” Mr. Glushkov, she said, “had struggled to defend himself against what he saw as a politically motivated campaign of persecution by Aeroflot and the Russian state.”

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #621 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:33:47 »
выдержки про аэрофлот
Цитувати (виділене)
The airline, Ms. Litvinenko said her husband told her, was a centerpiece of the Russian spy services, which since Soviet days had used its global network of offices and air routes to provide payroll for its agents around the world, as well as shipping clandestine cargoes. “Aeroflot was the center of it all,” she said—an allegation that Mr. Glushkov also intended to air in court.
вдова Литвиненко говорит, что её муж говорил ей, что аэрофлот - главный пункт для русских шпионов, ещё в совке он использовал свою сеть иностранных офисов и маршрутов, чтобы платить шпионам, а так же доставлять секретные грузы.

глушков нашёл кгбшников ещё на логовазе
Цитувати (виділене)
He moved from Moscow to the auto behemoth’s headquarters in the Russian provincial city of Tolyatti, where he said he clashed with members of Russia’s security apparatus embedded at the firm. The company, he said, sold cars cheaply to foreign companies controlled by former Soviet officials, who were allowed to resell them and pocket the profits. Years later, Russian prosecutors alleged that it was Mr. Berezovsky who misappropriated funds at the firm.
у него начались толкновения с кгбшниками, внедрёнными в фирму. Компания продавала машины дёшево иностранным компаниям, под контролем кгбшников, которые их потом перепродавали дороже. Годами позже русские следователи в этом обвинили березовского.

глушков раскрыл их схемы, и они ему начали угрожать, и он сбежал в москву, и тогда березовский пристроил его в аэрофлот
глядь - а там тоже кгбшники кишат!
Цитувати (виділене)
headquarters had little control over revenues. Money from ticket sales drained into hundreds of bank accounts controlled by about 150 regional offices, Mr. Glushkov said in a witness statement. About 3,500 of the company’s 15,000 employees worked undercover for one of the branches of Russian intelligence services, he said.
главный офис не имел контроль над финансами. Деньги от продажи билетов шли на сотни счетов, под контролем 150 региональных офисов. 3500 из 15000 сотрудников оказались кгбшниками под прикрытием.

он решил предложить собирать все деньги в одном месте, и желательно в швейцарии, чтобы платить поменьше налогов
Цитувати (виділене)
Reaction from the security services was swift, he said in his witness statement. In his office, he said, he received calls daily over a special telephone installed for talking with security-service chiefs. One of them, Alexander Korzhakov, a former KGB general and President Yeltsin’s bodyguard said he would “screw my head off” and “put me in jail…if I continued to violate the rights of the FSB,” Mr. Glushkov said in his witness statement.
реакция кгбшников была быстрая - стали звонить и угрожать, что открутят башку "если будет вмешиваться в дела фсб"
Цитувати (виділене)
Mr. Glushkov pushed ahead with the plan to get control over revenues, and wrote letters to the heads of Russia’s two main spy services suggesting they pay salaries at Aeroflot, given how much they use the company. He said the company’s balance sheet improved immediately.
Он всё равно это сделал, и ещё написал в КГБ и предложил им платить аэрофлоту деньги, раз уж вы его услугами пользуетесь. "Финансовые дела аэрофлоа сразу наладились".
Потом его обвинили, что он вывел на счета в швейцарии и спёр кучу денег.

Цитувати (виділене)
Mr. Glushkov and another defendant in the case had amassed financial records they said proved there was no malfeasance at Aeroflot under his watch. The judge overseeing the case, Dame Vivien Rose, refused a motion by Aeroflot lawyers to have the trial delayed.
он готовился к суду в лондоне и был в хорошем настроении - он считал, что собрал хорошие улики, доказывающие, что финансовые дела при нём были в порядке. Судья по этому делу отказала аэрофлоту в задержке. Поэтому пришлось убивать.

Цитувати (виділене)
After the airline dropped the case in April without explanation, Judge Rose ordered Aeroflot to pay more than £3 million ($3.9 million) to compensate Mr. Glushkov’s estate and other defendants for their court costs. She said that after eight years of litigation the airline had apparently folded its hand because “Aeroflot and its advisers realized that their case was doomed to fail in its entirety.” Mr. Glushkov, she said, “had struggled to defend himself against what he saw as a politically motivated campaign of persecution by Aeroflot and the Russian state.”
Умер он в марте, в апреле аэрофлот вдруг без всяких об'яснений отказался от иска. Судья за это заставила их заплатить 3 мильёна фунтов родственникам глушкова и другим подзащитным, "потому что они явно морочили всем голову столько лет, и за этим иском "верните украденное" ничего не стояло".

Offline leonard

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #622 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:37:21 »
причём звучит так, как будто они приятно удивлены - надо же, сработало! 
Забыли освятить. :)

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #623 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:38:52 »
Испачкал штаны величием, пока Союз бороздил просторы?
Сколько тех просторов, за 287 секунд. :rofl:

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #624 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:43:19 »
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Smooth Pimp написал: Появились нотариально заверенные скриншоты, что дадут автокефалию, отменят подчинение МП, снимут анафему с Филарета.

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #625 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:43:46 »
глушков раскрыл их схемы, и они ему начали угрожать, и он сбежал в москву
Прости господи. :shok:

Offline düsha

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #626 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 21:50:43 »
глушков раскрыл их схемы, и они ему начали угрожать, и он сбежал в москву
Прости господи. :shok:

ну он как бы сбежал от угрожающих, а те были в тольятти  :grin:
он вообще по жизни вовремя не сбегал, даже посидеть пришлось
только после тюряги до него дошло, что пора бежать в лондон!

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #627 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 22:35:58 »
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NASA создало комиссию по расследованию аварии «Союза»
11.10.2018, 21:32

NASA сформирует свою группу экспертов, которая расследует инцидент во время запуска космического корабля «Союз МС-10» с экипажем МКС. Об этом сообщил представитель аэрокосмического агентства Кенни Тодд в эфире NASA-TV.

«Мы сформируем свою команду по расследованию», — сказал он. По его словам, эта команда соберет как можно больше информации, сформирует свое собственное мнение. После этого сотрудники NASA передадут всю собранную информацию в Американское космическое агентство, которое будет заниматься дальнейшим расследованием инцидента. «Результаты этого расследования для нас стоят на первом месте», — сказал Тодд.


Естественно. Доверия к российскому "расследованию" -- ни на грош.
Просто человек

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Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #628 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 22:48:59 »
только после тюряги до него дошло, что пора бежать в лондон!
Лондон-то как бы тоже не лучшее место для бегства. Литвиненко и Березовский не дадут соврать.

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  • Russia delenda est.
Re: Россия - родина убийц!
« Reply #629 : Жовтень 11, 2018, 22:50:20 »
Испачкал штаны величием, пока Союз бороздил просторы?
Сколько тех просторов, за 287 секунд. :rofl:
А сколько тех штанов?

Bosorkanya і 21 Гостей дивляться цю тему.