Автор Тема: Советское кино и музыка - дань ностальгии или правда есть что-то стоящее.

Offline düsha

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забавное отрицательное ревью на кин-дза-дза
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I enjoyed the minimalism & well executed low-budget production style - costuming and props were immersing and highlights of the film. I'm a big fan of sci fi thought experiments involving encounters with exceedingly foreign cultures. Sadly, this exploration is riddled with internal inconsistencies. It asks the viewer to swallow a lot without ever delivering a good cause. I suspect that many nuances are lost on non-Russian audiences but even excusing excessive cultural references the story is vague and thinly premised.

The aliens were totally unimpressed by the sudden appearance of these strangely dressed foreigners in their midst. They can read minds deeply yet are surprised when the humans don't know their cultural subtleties. Honesty is totally unvalued yet they keep trying to make deals with one another, as if *this* time it will all work out. That's not ironic, that's annoyingly stupid. Rednecks - alien and otherwise - have been done before and better.

The humans eventually make dubiously large leaps of logic to figure out how to survive with the dangerous and treacherous aliens, yet are unusually obtuse and bull-headed most other times. "Ah, common matches are worth a thousand times their weight in gold here, and the few I have could buy a planet. I guess I'll keep lighting my cigarettes with them until they are gone." The writer repeatedly makes heavy handed points about integrity and loyalty, forcing Dyadya Vova to prove himself to no one in particular. These weak and pointless gestures serve as major plot devices throughout the film, while failing to contribute to any overall theme. Also employed for no particular reason or contribution to the plot were: time travel, time dilation, instant travel across space, Benevolent Master Race, Malevolent Master Race, specialized vocabulary, silly hats, mysterious architecture, wacky craft, goofy sound effects, and sassy women. I'd complain about the dei ex machinis, but the lack of internal logic renders that pointless.

At first it seemed to develop the aliens as depraved scum with a racist and arbitrarily brutal society in contrast to the Russians. It turns out that everyone is pathetic. There is no cause, no lesson, nor any character development. The second act ends with a suicidal giving up gesture, sucking dry the little empathy that remained for the protagonists. In the end they succeed through pure mechanism and luck despite ineptitude and consistently poor choices.

The final insult was the "It was all a dream! Or WAS it???" card played out IN FULL at the end. I can't believe that hackneyed bit is new anywhere. Perhaps I didn't "get" this turkey. It gets a few stars for the effective visuals on a budget and trying so hard to be original.

On a side note, I saw another reviewer refer to this as the "Russian Star Wars". Please - draw for me some parallels to support this, because I don't see it.

"все какие-то идиоты, логики нет никакой, а когда главный герой решил сдаться и самоубиться, он меня окончательно взбесил"

Offline Shana

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  • Київ/Чернігівщина
какой-то немец, оказывается, перед кин-дза-дза успел просветиться "нац. охотой" (бе)
Я была уверена, что ни один иностранец не будет в состоянии понять происходящее на экране в "Национальной охоте...". "Непереводимая игра слов", так скать.  :lol2:
То, что гусеница называет концом света, Мастер назовет бабочкой (с)

Offline Кентавр

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"Сверкающие сёдла" - может, и ничего были в свое время, но пару лет назад я их, просто, ниасилил.
Я как раз его посмотрел на днях. В целом, так себе. Но финальные 10 минут! Мне кажется, только из-за них он навечно забил себе место в пантеоне американской классики.

Offline Kivi

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Дюша, спасибо тебе за обзоры! :smilie1:

А мы с немцем смотрели пару лет назад на НГ Бриллиантовую руку, с английскими субтитрами. Многое приходилось по ходу комментировать. Ему очень понравился фильм.
А наутро он уже вполне сносно произносил :"Семён Семёныч!", "Береги руку, Сеня" и даже "аристократы и дегенераты". :grin:
Сдаётся мне, Тотошка, что это не Канзас (с).

Offline Ash

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 На тему  японское  супер - советское отстой применительно к мультфильмам.)
 Я вчера - о, чудо ! - нашла Брата -сироту.  Я его искала и раньше , но  не находился в прежние годы.
 Что я  вам скажу.  Очень похож на наш Аленький цветочек. Не рисунком и сюжетом , а  общим впечатлением.  Не лучше и не хуже. Т.е  добротный мультфильм   со сказочным сюжетом.  Да, в отличие от Аленького цветочка  есть типичный  Диснеевский расклад :  животные, которые помогают ГГ, персонифицированы и каждое из них тянет на полноценный второй план. Более сложный сюжет. Но и хронометраж  у мультфильмов разный.  В японском  есть, где разгуляться.
 В остальном - ничего действительно особенного.  Дидактичность - присутствует, банальностей - хватает.Просто в момент просмотра это была запредельная экзотика и потому  воспринималось, как нечто фантастически прекрасное.
« Останнє редагування: Квітень 26, 2017, 13:21:34 від Ash »
Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline Shana

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  • Київ/Чернігівщина
Мне когда-то очень нравился японский "Кот в сапогах". Несколько раз в кинотеатре смотрела. Недавно отыскала в инете - так себе мультик.
То, что гусеница называет концом света, Мастер назовет бабочкой (с)

Offline Ash

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Мне когда-то очень нравился японский "Кот в сапогах". Несколько раз в кинотеатре смотрела. Недавно отыскала в инете - так себе мультик.
Одесса-это Украина.
At the suit of pozemka: Covid 19 (01.20)
+CoviShield(03/20)+Vaxzevria/COVID-19 AstraZeneca(06/20)+ Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech(01/21)

Offline kot

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Мне "Кортик" в детстве нравился. И "Тайна двух океанов". Вырос и понял как меня на@#$ли.

Offline Старина Z

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Не советское кино, но вспомнилось. В 90-х годах по телевизору показывали мультфильмы из программы фестиваля анимационных фильмов "Крок" и был прекрасный чернушный мультик про девочку и ее папу. Девочка стояла на табуретке и рассказывала стихотворения, например, это:

Муха по нашій кружляла кімнаті,
Сіла вона на нос тьоті Каті.
Тато рушницю схопив, і Бабах!
Бо не любив він шкідливих комах.

Эти стихотворения сопровождались соответствующей анимацией, которая красочно изображала происходящее в стихах.

Потом папа пытался уложить девочку, пытался рассказывать ей сказку, а она вставляла свои ремарки, которые эту сказку портили. И снова с соответствующим видеорядом.

Очень мне понравился. К сожалению, не могу его найти в интернете, только несколько упоминаний без названия.

Offline Кру_Элл

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  • Миколаїв - місто корабелобандерівців.
К сожалению, не могу его найти в интернете, только несколько упоминаний без названия.

У тебя два мультика в один спутались. Сначала мультик про маму и мальчика, который сказку портил, а потом девочка стихи читала.
Кстати ржу вслух от мультика, особенно от первого, вот прям сейчас.  :rofl:
« Останнє редагування: Квітень 26, 2017, 14:13:46 від Кру_Элл »
Планы на вечер: мотать новостную ленту с недовольным лицом.

Offline Кіндрат Калистратович

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Кстати ржу вслух от мультика, особенно от первого, вот прям сейчас. 

Offline Старина Z

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У тебя два мультика в один спутались. Сначала мультик про маму и мальчика, который сказку портил, а потом девочка стихи читала.
Спасибо тебе большое!

Offline Otrawa

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А ось що менi подобалося!  :super:
Спiває Лариса Долiна, а також ковбаса та хлiб.

Offline Аля

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  • Київ. Місто мрій.
У тебя два мультика в один спутались. Сначала мультик про маму и мальчика, который сказку портил, а потом девочка стихи читала.
Какие мерзские мультики.
Злобная заинька

Offline Eney

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Дюша, спасибо тебе за обзоры! :smilie1:

А мы с немцем смотрели пару лет назад на НГ Бриллиантовую руку, с английскими субтитрами. Многое приходилось по ходу комментировать. Ему очень понравился фильм.
А наутро он уже вполне сносно произносил :"Семён Семёныч!", "Береги руку, Сеня" и даже "аристократы и дегенераты". :grin:
Всю ніч вчили?

Offline pozemka

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  • черепаха разнузданная
Цитувати (виділене)
The aliens were totally unimpressed by the sudden appearance of these strangely dressed foreigners in their midst.
Шожтакоэ, какжежтак?  :smilie5:  Непорядок.


Offline pozemka

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  • черепаха разнузданная

Offline düsha

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обзоры нашего родненького холмсика - их мало, и бОльшая часть совецких, конечно, и один тролль под каждым фильмом написал, что "в музее холмса в лондоне фотография нашего ливанова САМАЯ БОЛЬШАЯ!!"

про агру
Цитувати (виділене)
The Agra Treasure is a faithful adaption of one of four Conan Doyle novels featuring Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of the Four. Miss Mary Morstan comes to see Holmes and Watson and tells them a strange story. Ten years previously her father, who had just returned to England after years of service in India, disappeared. Four years after his disappearance, she began receiving an annual package containing a valuable pearl. Holmes and Watson (who is quite smitten with Miss Morstan) agree to help her. They meet with Thadeus Sholto, the son of Major Sholto who had served with Morstan in India. Thadeus relates to them a tale of how Morstan and his father brought to England from India a magnificent treasure of which only a string of pearls had been found until recently. Holmes and Watson are soon on the trail of both the treasure and a murderer. Interestingly, the storyline is interrupted by a flashback account of the story 'A Scandal in Bohemia' in which Holmes meets Irene Adler, a woman who thereafter Holmes would refer to as The Woman. This story within the story is the best part of the movie. The movie has much to recommend it: the production values, the music, the sometimes eerie atmosphere, the well developed characters and the odd plot. It is faithful to the book and to the times, including Holmes' unattractive and tiresome misogyny. Linanov as Holmes and Solomin as Watson were very good in their roles. Livanov did not look as I picture Holmes' looking (nor as illustrator Sidney Paget depicted him); he was older, heavier, and shorter. However, his demeanor, body language and air of confidence and coolness were right on target. A highly recommended movie that is well worth watching more than once.
холмс староват, толстоват и коротковат, но покатит, вообще фильм понравился

самый первый

Цитувати (виділене)
A lot of people make a big deal about the fact that in the Sherlock Holmes museum, Vasiliy Livanov's picture is the largest. The only thing this proves is the British found a great way to soften relations between the U.K. and the Soviets. I see it as a political maneuver, and little else.

There is no doubt that these films are of excellent quality, but they suffer from an overemphasis on the farcical. In particular, Vitali Solomin's portray of Watson borders on camp at times, with little subtlety. The relationship between Holmes and Watson, something that is near and dear to many a fan's heart, is too kitschy. Missing is the deep, abiding friendship that Jeremy Brett and David Burke (and later, Edward Hardwicke) portrayed so eloquently in the Granada productions.

The Baltic locations are clearly Eastern Europe and at times that is a bit distracting. The biggest problem is of course, the language. First of all, the subtitles have been poorly done. I have spoken to a couple of people who speak Russian and English who have bemoaned the quality of the subtitles. They assert that English-speaking audiences would appreciate the films more if they could experience them as intended rather than through the poor subtitles. Some characters are meant to be heard in their native language and Holmes is certainly one of those characters. Hearing Doyle's detective speaking Russian is very distracting as are the poorly translated subtitles. Perhaps in the future someone could redo the subtitles and the films would benefit from this.

The most interesting thing about these films are the little jokes and ironic elements that are littered throughout. Little jabs at the Soviet government and the British are present and done very slyly. In one instance, Doctor Watson is speaking to Holmes about his lack of understanding of things outside his profession, but it is clear he is speaking of the oppression of the Communist government in the Soviet Union. Watson says, "How awful it would be to live in a world, where you couldn't talk to anyone about poetry, about art, or politics." The irony is, the actors in this film — at the time this production was made — did live in a place where you couldn't talk about many things without fear of reprisals. There are quite a few of these moments and it is very interesting to listen for them. Surely the producers of these films had to be very careful not to glorify a society of the West, albeit a hundred years in the past. Perhaps it was at the behest of the Communist party that Holmes gets the following line: "The British are conservative, and we don't like changes. Anyone who is not like us in the ways of mind, is easily taken for a rogue". Great fun.

These films do deserve their place in the cinematic Holmes canon, but more for what they reveal about the Soviet Union at the time and their relations with the British. An interesting interpretation that demands viewing, but ultimately pales in comparison to the Granada productions with Jeremy Brett.
а мне, грит, насрать, что фото ливанова самое большое - бриты, небось, политически подлизываются к русским, вот и всё
фильмы хорошие, но иногда многовато фарса. Ватсон иногда borders on camp (почти гомокуксуалист/женоподобный?). Отношения между ними слишком китчевые. В сериале от Гранады лучше.
Субтитры, правда, плохие попались, но вообще слышать, как Дойловский детектив говорит по-русски, -  :wacko3: - очень отвлекает.
Но мне больше всего понравились шутки и ирония. Шутят над совецким строем ( :crazy:  :sarcastic:) и немного над британцами. Например, Ватсон говорит с Холмсом про непонимание вещей, которые за пределами профессиональных интересов, но понятно, что он на самом деле говорит о гнёте коммунистического правительства в ссср. (хахахаха бедняга решил, что у русских всегда должен быть какой-то подтекст?! и стал его старательно искать) Конечно, режиссёру нельзя было слишком хорошо показывать запад, поэтому - наверно по запросу партии - он добавил туда фразу про британцев, что они, мол, консервативные, не любят перемены, и каждый, кто на них не похож, наверняка преступник.
Фильм познавательный, но скорее узнаёшь там про совок.

Offline düsha

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тот мужик, у которого "русский второй", hte-trasme from United States, посмотрел все фильмы, и они ему понравились
вот например
Цитувати (виділене)
This TV production from the Soviet Lenfilm studio is a superb screen translation of the Sherlock Holmes story to the screen. The producers found ways to remain very faithful to the original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle while modifying things slightly to make them work well as films. Here they embellish the first parts of "A Study in Scarlet" before moving into a pared-down "Speckled Band," and it works very well as a film on its own.

It's an unanswerable question to me who the best screen Holmes (or the best Watson for that matter) was. Some have certainly been better than others but each has brought unique and interesting qualities to the role. It is enough for me that here Vasili Livanov and Vitali Solomin are extraordinarily good. Their performances are magnetic viewing and full of subtlety. Every scene between the is memorable.

In the first half of "Acquaintance," the real mystery doesn't revolve around a crime but around Sherlock Holmes' character -- and Watson, whose character -- a romantic, artistic, intelligent doctor who would like to think he minds his own business but really does not -- is wonderfully fleshed out -- is the detective. This makes perfect sense as a way of introducing the two characters, but still seems like an innovation here.

It also looks wonderfully lavish and the filming is contrastingly expansive and suspensefully claustrophobic. It's clear a lot of care was well spent on these adaptation, and it is only right that they should have received notoriety decades after they were filmed and far from the former USSR.

Offline düsha

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про собаку
Цитувати (виділене)
Russian TV version of the story that was filmed as part of a series and then released elsewhere as a stand alone film. For the most part an excellent adaption of the story with a real genuine chemistry and warmth between Homes and Watson that would seem to predate the Jermey Brett series. This feels the way the stories should feel. If there are any flaws in the film it would be that Henry Baskerville is not English raised in North America rather he's decidedly Russian in manner, The moors, while very ominous-possibly the most in any adaptation-are not quite England and the last "flaw" is that the film is overly faithful to the story and runs two and a half hours.They are minor flaws and should not keep you from watching one of the better Holmes films made.
прекрасная адаптация, если не считать сэра генри, который вовсе не похож на англичанина, выросшего в сев. америке, а определённо русский по манерам.
болота тоже не очень на Англию похожи, хотя ужастно мрачные получились

Цитувати (виділене)
If you come upon these rare old Soviet Sherlock Holmes variations I would advise you to jump on them quick, you'll see the best of any variation or story that's ever been done.

All that being said, that in know way takes away from what Jeremy Brett or Basil Rathbone accomplished. Each actors interpretation is different than another's but if you want a version that is true to the story, then this is the one...hands down.

Seeing these old Soviet versions are a real treat. You would think that they would try and sneak some anti-capitalist or pro Soviet type of propaganda in this but as far as I can tell, this is straight from the story itself and just pretty darn entertaining. With these bare bones versions of the Sherlock tales you'll get a setting they want you to believe is in London circa the time they were told but you can plainly see that the backdrop is Soviet with the architecture and style. Even with this, it's very charming the Soviets take on the Sherlock series.

I can't tell anyone enough how good this series is. They couldn't have picked a better pair to play the title roles. These were parts these two were made for. Make an effort to find these series of TV movies from cold war days and be ready for a real treat from the Iron Curtain. I'll bet cash money you'll love every minute of these hard to find gems.
классная версия, и самая близкая к оригиналу!
я боялся, что совки умудрятся впихнуть туда немного пропаганды, но они этого не сделали!

Цитувати (виділене)
Hard to find in the US, my DVD was a gift from my sister -- a Slavic Languages professor -- who knows how to find such things. Faithful to the original novel, this probably isn't the best introduction to the series, as Holmes is absent through much of it while Watson investigates alone. With so little Holmes/Watson interaction, some of the appeal must certainly be missing.

That said, I very much like how Watson seriously, diligently, and intelligently carries out his investigation, not unlike numerous other successful fictional detectives. Except when tipsy, he is rarely the stereotypically foolish Watson. If I had never heard of Sherlock Holmes I might even have expected Watson himself to solve the mystery. However, because he is so serious it makes his character a bit too dry through much of film; though that in turn makes his actual flashes of foolishness and his reunion with Holmes more effective illustrations of Watson's true character.

What was interesting about the supporting characters is that they definitely seem to have more than a little Russian in them, from the humorously extroverted Sir Henry Baskerville to the arch-slavic-tragedian portrayal of Beryl Stapleton. I found it a bit jarring at first, expecting more British reserve in the characters, but eventually just let them be themselves and let myself be entertained. Much of Dartmoor also looks far more Russian than English, but that's only to be expected and easily overlooked.

Overall, this is a well done 'Hound', true to the story and true to the characters of Holmes and Watson. I got some hint of Vasili Livanov and Vitali Solomin's vast appeal, but not enough for me to become a wildly enthusiastic myself. At least, not yet. Because that hint is more than enough for me to nag my sister into getting me the rest of the Livanov/Solomin Holmes series. And then we'll see....
мне этот фильм подсунула сестра, которая профессор славянских языков
хороший фильм и близкий к оригиналу
Остальные герои, кроме Ватсона и Холмса, слишком русские. И смешной сэр генри, и стереотипично-русско-трагичная жена степлтона. Сначала раздражало, но потом решил расслабиться и получать удовольствие.

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  • Киев

Offline düsha

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в отличие от предыдущего обзорщика, этот считает, что наш Ватсон, видите ли, недостаточно харизматичен, чтобы тащить фильм один, пока Холмса как бы нет!
Цитувати (виділене)
I don't know exactly how it came to be that The Hound of the Baskervilles would be the most frequently adapted of A.C. Doyle's stories. But it is so, and after Rathbone, Cushing and Peter Cook, and two years before Ian Richardson, it is Vasili Livanov's turn to don the deerskin cap and disappear for one third of the movie.

One of the reasons I find it peculiar that The Hound became the most popular filmic Holmes adaptation is that Holmes is absent for a good chunk of the running time. And while it's an engrossing murder mystery on its own, it so happens that in franchises of this sort people generally come to see the hero being a hero. And one of the flaws of this Russian adaptation is that, unlike Nigel Bruce, Vitali Solomin doesn't have the charismatic presence and weight to carry the movie while Livanov is away.

Still, like its predecessors, this sixth entry in the Soviet Sherlock Holmes saga with Vasili Livanov in the titular role, is every bit as stylish, entertaining and endlessly watchable. Exchanging the baroque opulence of London for the rural atmosphere of Devonshire and benefitting from the natural beauty of real locations, The Hound builds and sustains its mystery and suspense even though the novelty of the story has been worn out by now.

Excluding the natural flaw of a Sherlock Holmes movie with not enough Sherlock Holmes, the movie has been wisely split up in two parts making the 2.5 hour duration a manageable task. The murder mystery of a demonic hound terrorizing the last heir of the Baskerville family is great and from a technical perspective the movie, even though made for TV, has a lavish cinematic feel.

Definitely among the handful best adaptations of The Hound of the Baskervilles.
но всё равно считает, что одна из немногих лучших адаптаций

Цитувати (виділене)
When I first heard about this Russian Sherlock Holmes stories, I was curious. Thanks to an up loader on Youtube, I think he is also the same person who writes the number one review here, I was able to watch it.

Perhaps due to issues not related to this film, issues of my life, I cannot say that I have been enthralled with this film. HOund of the Baskervilles of course is the most famous of all Sherlock Holmes stories. You have the 1939 film with the most famous of Holmes, Basil Rathbone, and then you have the 1959 version, color courtesy of Hammer, with Peter Cushing.

Having seen the Hammer version first, before the Rathbone version, The Hammer version has always been my favorite, even above the more critically acclaimed 1939 version. Also for me, Peter Cushing will always be Sherlock Holmes, Andre Morrell Dr. Watson, and Christopher Lee the young Baskerville from Canada. Even the actor in that version playing Doctor Mortimer was great as well. I would suspect that anyone having watched the 39 and 59 versions first, will have a tough time with any other Hound of the Baskerville movies.

Watching the Hound of The Baskervilles in the Russin version, while the acting by most is good, I have problems with the gentlemen playing Mortimer and the young Baskerville. Sorry that I cannot give names of the actors, I saw the actors film Slave of Love, which I did enjoy. I just can't stand both of their characters, though I kind of like it when this Dr. Mortimer holds his dog. Another big problem that others I think will have if they have seen the two more famous Baskerville movies, is that their is no suspense, if one has seen those movies, one already knows what is going on, and their is no mystery. Also what is with this Wild West style music, did Russians think that the Wild West extended to England in the 1880's as well? I have to admit, one scene of the carriage ride going to Baskerville Hall, reminded me of Sergio Corbucci's The Great Silence.

Perhaps a mistake is to watch this Russian Holmes version first, perhaps at the time, the producers of these shows realized that the Hound story is the most famous, and decided it would be better to show first what might not be as familiar, as this I believe was the 6th story. I might be better off to see those other stories first also, as they might be more interesting to me to do so as I may not know what is going to happen. Also being English Speaking, and having heard Holmes always speaking English with an English accent, something that other viewers from other non-English speaking countries who may have heard Rathbone and Cushing dubbed by other actors, might also be a difference.
интересно было, что русские из этого сделали, но не сказать, что я в восторге. Мой первый Холмс был в экранизации 59-го года, я его навеки полюбил, тут уже наверно ничо не сделаешь.
Актёры играют хорошо, но "мортимер" и "баскервиль" меня бесили. Забыл их фамилии. Я видел фильм "баскервиля" "раба любви", он мне понравился, но его баскервиль - не выношу. Впрочем, меня умилило, как мортимер держал собачку.
И почему там музыка в стиле дикого запада? Русские думают, что в Англии в 1880 году был дикий запад, что ли?

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из советского и ностальгии у меня вот это главное

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  • Київ. Місто мрій.
из советского и ностальгии у меня вот это главное
Ох, я не знала его целиком. Спасибо!
Но смотреть я его смогла только на скорости в 1.5.  :smilie5:

Прикольно. Драпает от пришельца, и отдыхать садится все время спиной к нему.
Злобная заинька

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из советского и ностальгии у меня вот это главное
Я тоже этот мультик очень любила. Инопланетянин просто очаровашка.  :smilie5:
То, что гусеница называет концом света, Мастер назовет бабочкой (с)

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Шоб не совсем вас разочаровать... Мой любимый "советский" фильм - Сказка странствий.
С А. Мироновы и Л. Дуровым.
Офигительно сумасшедший фильм  :hot: Я его в кинотеатре смотрела, а потом еще раз, и еще. И музыка одуренная. Шнитке. (только что узнала, сбегав в Вики, и что режиссер - А.Митта)

Offline Otrawa

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из советского и ностальгии у меня вот это главное
Мультик про то как Джон Леннон напевает Морриконе.
Кстати, о Ленноне, мне очень нравился Шкатулка с Секретом.

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düsha - огромное тебе спасибо!  :good: Ты же не против, надеюсь, - я твои nota bene передала в Австралию, - подруге, которая вот уже 15 лет там живет, и хочет донести своему мужу... хмм... свою культурную позицию  :yes:

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düsha - огромное тебе спасибо!  :good: Ты же не против, надеюсь, - я твои nota bene передала в Австралию, - подруге, которая вот уже 15 лет там живет, и хочет донести своему мужу... хмм... свою культурную позицию  :yes:

я не против
а какая у неё культурная позиция?

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